Pointer Events
With the integrated mouse events, you have many different options. One of these is, for example, the yellow dot on this website, which always follows the current position of the mouse.
Mouse Position
X Axis: 0
Y Axis: 0
Scroll Events
Listen to the scrolling behaviour of your users and perform any actions depending on the scroll position or other event data. For example, you could only show a fixed sidebar if the scroll position is greater than 500 pixels.
You are scrolling DOWN.
Your current scroll position is 0.
Mutation Observer
Execute actions as soon as something changes on a specific DOM element. In the example on the right, a class is added to the button when the “Toggle Element Class” button is pressed. This change in attributes is noticed, and the actions are executing, in this case, the great “Confetti” action.
Animation Control
Control your animations with different event actions. In this example, the animation is either paused, resumed, restarted or played reversed, depending on which button is pressed.
... and much more!
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