Pro Forms
Pro Forms has become one of the most popular elements of Bricksforge. It convinces with its infinitely flexible approach to designing forms with Nestable Bricks elements. You can also use all existing Bricks functions, such as query loops.
Design, Dynamic Websites, Element
Node Editor
With the Node Editor, you can easily create complex interactions for your website visually by just dragging lines.
Design, Dynamic Websites, Efficiency, Extension, Interactivity, User Experience
Bricksforge Panel
The Bricksforge Panel makes your site interactive! You can listen to various events and perform one or more actions when the event is triggered. One of the highlights is the ability to create exciting GSAP animations through a UI.
Dynamic Websites, Extension, Interactivity, User Experience
Email Designer
The E-Mail Designer is an entire application that was developed with Vue3 and offers you not only simplicity, but also a lot of flexibility. You have many variables at your disposal, you can create your own and even use Twig throughout the entire interface.
Design, Extension, User Experience
Backend Designer
The standard WordPress backend is boring and should have been revised long ago. With the Backend Designer, you can customize it to your needs. Give the admin area of your site a great and individual look!
Backend, Extension
Bricksforge Terminal
The Bricksforge Terminal is really powerful! You can use it to add new element structures, assign global classes and define IDs or attributes. In addition, a flexible syntax allows you to define each Bricks control using text input.
Backend, Efficiency, Extension
Page Transitions (pjax)
Bricksforge brings swup.js to your site! Page transitions not only improve the user experience of your website, but also reduce bandwidth and server costs. With Bricksforge you can implement page transitions with one click!
Extension, Interactivity, User Experience
Global Classes Creator
This tool allows you to create your own sets of global classes sets, converting CSS Code into Global Classes. This is a great way to use your favorite CSS Frameworks in your Bricksforge projects or to create your own framework.
Backend, Efficiency, Extension
Admin Pages
Admin pages are a great way to create separate areas in the WordPress backend for your customers, be it for docs, quick access or forms. You can use your Bricks templates to build the sites for your clients. It’s so easy!
Backend, Design, Extension, User Experience
Builder Customizer
The Builder Customizer allows you to customize the Bricks Builder for different user roles. You can change the appearance of the builder, specify different settings for individual user roles, and even create completely new roles.
Backend, Design, Extension, User Experience
3D Models
Add 3D Models to your site! Bricksforge uses Three.js for rendering. You can use GLTF/GLB files and control the instance with the Bricksforge Panel. This provides an incredible amount of flexibility when it comes to creating interactions.
Element, Interactivity
Scroll Smoother
The Scroll Smoother is an advanced feature that significantly enhances the scrolling experience on your website by harnessing the power of two amazing scroll smoothing providers: GSAP and Lenis. You can activate it with one click!
Extension, User Experience
Parallax Effects
This adds new controls to all Bricks elements. You can use them to create stunning visual effects that will make your website stand out from the crowd. For this effects, we are using the Rellax library, which is very lightweight.
Extension, Interactivity
Maintenance Mode
Provides a convenient way to create a maintenance mode page for your website. With the ability to use Bricks to design your page, you can easily create a visually stunning page that lets visitors know your site is undergoing maintenance.
Extension, User Experience
Global Classes Backups
The Global Classes Backups feature provides an extra layer of protection for your website’s design by automatically generating backups of all your global classes. That’s a real hero when all global classes are suddenly gone!
Backend, Extension
Tour Guide
With this element, you can create an accessible tour guide for your page. It will display a series of steps that the user can follow to learn how to use your page. This way you can improve the user experience of your website.
Element, Interactivity, User Experience
Form Submissions
An essential tool for anyone who wants to have full control and visibility over their form submissions. With this extension, all form submissions are saved clearly to the database, making it easy to access and manage your data.
Backend, Extension
Dynamic Data Tags
With the new Dynamic Data Tags, you gain more flexibility. For example, almost all tags allow you to add additional context. You could, for instance, use the tag {post_title:4035} to display the post title of the post with ID 4035.
Dynamic Websites, Extension
Element Conditions
Bricksforge adds a lot of new Element Conditions to the Bricks Builder. These conditions can be used to show or hide elements based certain conditions. In this page, we will list all the conditions that are added by Bricksforge.
Dynamic Websites, Extension
Custom Fonts Upload
This tool extends the native Font Upload functionality with the ability to upload all fonts at once. This saves you a lot of time when you have multiple fonts to upload. Once you have uploaded the fonts, simply deactivate the extension again.
Efficiency, Extension
Bricksforge Assistant (AI)
The Bricksforge Assistant helps you with AI in different areas of Bricksforge. For example, you can use a prompt to create animations trough the Bricksforge Panel. To use it, you can include your own OpenAI key.
Efficiency, Extension
Table Of Contents
This element is perfect for any website with a lot of content, such as blogs. With its customizable settings, you can predefine which headlines should be included in the table of contents. Also, there are a lot of additional possibilities.
Dynamic Websites, Element, User Experience
This element allows you to output data stored in the wp_options table with ease. By simply entering the name of the option you want to display, you can incorporate dynamic data into your website quickly and without any coding knowledge.
Dynamic Websites, Element
By now, everyone knows Lottie – the good-looking little animations. With this element you can easily integrate your Lottie files. You also have various functions at your disposal, such as triggers for animations or adjusting the speed.
Element, Interactivity, User Experience
Font Awesome Pro
Do you have a Font Awesome Pro account? Then use this element to use the Pro icons in Bricks. You can integrate them either via a kit ID or locally uploading the related JavaScript files. For Duotone icons, you can set colors for both layers.
Efficiency, Extension
Flip Everything
Flip cards are very useful in various situations to show different content in one area. The flip cards from Bricksforge are powerful in that they are Nestable Elements. So they are not actually flip “cards”, but….flip everything 🙂
Design, Element, Interactivity
Before & After
With the “Before & After” element, you can compare versions of two different images with each other. This is very useful for photography, for example. The element is also nestable, which gives you a number of options.
Design, Element, Interactivity
Scroll Video
Scroll Video is an element that allows you to create stunning scroll video scenes that are always impressive. Bricksforge uses the new WebCodecs API and works with the video itself instead of creating many images.
Element, Interactivity, User Experience